EN 13451: Safety Requirements for Equipment for Public Swimming Pools

UNE-EN 13451

In the previous post about safety in public swimming pools, we detailed the main aspects related to the design and operation of these types of facilities, based on the EN 15288 standard specifically for this purpose.

In this post, we will analyze the second of the European standards that addresses safety in the design of public swimming pools: the EN 13451 standard. This standard establishes the general safety requirements and testing methods necessary for equipment installed in public swimming pools. This regulatory framework is essential to ensure the integrity of aquatic facilities and the safety of users.

The EN 13451 is divided into several parts, covering everything from general aspects to specific safety requirements for elements such as ladders and handrails, or water/air entry and exit devices. In this post, we will break down the most relevant points of these regulations.

General Safety in the Design of Equipment for Swimming Pools

The second part of the regulation, UNE-EN 13451-2, focuses on the safety requirements for ladders, steps, and handrails. These elements are crucial for ensuring safe access to the water for both users and maintenance personnel.

Ladders and handrails must be designed to support the weight of users without the risk of structural failure. Additionally, it is essential that the surfaces of this equipment provide high slip resistance, especially in areas where bathers’ feet will be wet. The regulation also establishes the need for clear usage instructions, facilitating proper maintenance.

EN 13451-2

Water/Air Inlet and Outlet Devices

The third part of the standard, EN 13451-3, addresses the specific safety requirements for water/air inlet and outlet devices, as well as for aquatic leisure elements that utilize these systems.

The design of these devices must ensure that there are no associated suction risks during operation, which could lead to serious accidents. To achieve this, the standard specifies testing methods that must be applied to verify the safety and efficiency of these devices. Furthermore, the technical documentation must be updated and accessible to facility managers, ensuring that best practices are followed in the maintenance and inspection of the equipments.

Maintenance and Continuous Supervision

Transversally, one of the key aspects of UNE-EN 13451 is the need for proper and ongoing maintenance. Correct installation and regular supervision of the equipment allow for the identification and correction of potential failures before they become a risk to users.

The regulations require that equipment comes with clear installation and maintenance instructions, as well as periodic inspections to ensure they remain safe over time. Additionally, it is essential that the operators responsible for the maintenance and management of the pool are adequately trained in the use and inspection of the equipment.

This not only protects swimmers but also ensures the proper functioning and longevity of the installed equipment. With appropriate maintenance and responsible management, public pools can provide a safe and pleasant environment for all their users.

If you would like to carry out the inspection and safety certification of your pool, please feel free to contact us. Alternatively, if you want more information about the certification, visit our website.

At The Fun Lab, we will be happy to assist you and help you with any needs related to an aquatic leisure project. Continue exploring our blog to stay updated on our news, technical articles, and projects.

EN 13451: Safety Requirements for Equipment for Public Swimming Pools

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